Publication Ethics

Iraqi Journal of Applied Art (IJAA) is dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing. Authors, reviewers, editors, and the editorial team are expected to adhere to the following ethical guidelines:

  • Authorship and Originality:

Authors must ensure that their submitted work is original and they have appropriately acknowledged the work and ideas of others. All authors contributing significantly to the research should be listed as co-authors. Submission of the same manuscript to multiple journals concurrently is considered unethical.

  • Plagiarism and Citation:

Authors must ensure their submitted work is original and has not been published elsewhere. Manuscripts that contain significant instances of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, will be rejected. The editorial team will thoroughly evaluate detected instances of plagiarism, and appropriate actions, including rejection, may be taken.

  • Data Integrity:

IJAA utilizes plagiarism detection tools to identify instances of text overlap with previously published work. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the data presented in their manuscripts. Any data manipulation should be transparently reported, and raw data should be available for review if required.

  • Conflicts of Interest:

Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that may influence the research or create a potential conflict of interest. Reviewers and editors should recuse themselves from handling manuscripts with conflict of interest.

  • Peer Review Integrity:

Peer reviewers are expected to provide unbiased and constructive feedback on manuscripts. Reviewers should promptly disclose any conflicts of interest and maintain confidentiality throughout the review process.

  • Editorial Independence:

Editors make decisions based on the merit of the work and its relevance to the journal's scope. Editorial decisions are not influenced by factors such as the author's identity, affiliations, or conflicts of interest.

  • Transparency and Corrections:

Authors are encouraged to promptly notify the editorial team of any errors or inaccuracies discovered in their published work. Corrections, retractions, or clarifications will be issued as needed to maintain the integrity of the scholarly record.

  • Compliance with Ethical Standards:

IJAA adheres to established ethical standards and guidelines, including those of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  • Respect for Participants:

Research involving human subjects or animals must adhere to ethical standards and receive necessary approvals from relevant ethics committees.

  • Editorial Team Responsibility:

The editorial team is committed to handling cases of ethical misconduct promptly and transparently, following established guidelines. Adherence to these ethical standards contributes to the integrity and trustworthiness of the scholarly literature. Authors, reviewers, and editors are essential partners in maintaining and upholding these ethical principles.

Authors are invited to submit their research to IJAA. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions. 

Don't hesitate to contact the editorial team at [] for any inquiries.